Energy Efficiency of Log Homes
Numerous studies have proven that log walls are as good or better than framed in terms of heating and cooling performance....
Read MoreNumerous studies have proven that log walls are as good or better than framed in terms of heating and cooling performance....
Read MoreLogs as elements in a building design are absolutely beautiful. Sometimes, a person wants to gain the aesthetic value of building with log but also have the design choices made available from using more modern materials. If this sounds like...
Read MoreLog homes in North America have a fascinating history, as do the hard working people inhabiting them. Our ancestors worked very hard to create a life off the land. They would be amazed and no doubt proud of what their...
Read MoreValuable assets always require some amount of regular maintenance and log homes are no different. Wood that is well maintained will stay beautiful and last for many, many years. The inherent durability of wood as a building product is shown...
Read MoreAt Lake Country Log Homes, we enjoy building world class log fishing lodges, especially ones off the coast of our home province! Pictured below is Queen Charlotte Lodge, located at Haida Gwaii, an achipelago on British Columbia’s West Coast. This...
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